Wearing a Yarmulke on a Party Bus
One of the most prominent trends that has started to be seen all around the world involves a relative homogenization of various cultures. While this isn’t in and of itself a bad thing, this doesn’t mean that steps can’t be taken to reverse it in some respect. There is a pretty good chance that if you have a culture that you belong to, such as the Jewish culture, you can incorporate various aspects of this culture into your otherwise global identity.
The truth of the situation is that if you are Jewish you probably like wearing a yarmulke, and one way in which you can end up ensuring that your culture never ends up fading into you obscurity, you can try wearing this yarmulke on a party bus in NYC that you might end up riding on. This is because of the fact that New York has a really strong Jewish community, and for the most part if you end up seeing this community around you the fact that you are wearing a yarmulke would probably entice them into representing their own culture a lot more accurately as well.
The truth of the situation is that Jewish people really need to work hard to keep their culture intact, and doing something like this can be a small but very potent contributor to maintaining it for future generations. Anyone that involves themselves in this community would want to start wearing a yarmulke as well, and in this manner the culture can be preserved in such a way that people would continue to remember it for generations to come. This is just one of the many ways in which you can contribute to your heritage.